Lindale ISD Special Programs
Parent Academy
The Lindale ISD Special Education Parent Academy is a series of informational sessions/newsletters specifically designed to assist parents by building awareness of a range of social-emotional, academic, and Special Education topics. Academy participants will gain knowledge pertinent to each topic while also learning strategies and proven techniques to assist in supporting students.
Monthly Training Newsletters
Parent Information
Special Education Parent Handbook

This SPED Parent Handbook helps parents navigate the Special Education process using facilitation skills and strategies. It follows the Child-Centered Special Education Process and includes material designed to empower parents to become advocates for their children through:
Initial Evaluation
Development of an Individual Education Program (IEP)
Collaboration in Annual, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meetings
Dismissal, Graduation, and Revocation of services
Lindale ISD Parent Handbook

Parent's Guide to the ARD Process
The Parent’s Guide to the Admission, Review, and Dismissal Process is a comprehensive document that explains the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) process and contains information that assists parents in participating effectively in the ARD committee for their child. Parents must be provided this document prior to the initial ARD meeting or upon request. Local education agencies (LEAs) are encouraged to maintain documentation of dissemination in the child’s eligibility folder.
Online Parent Trainings
Select the icons below to access a variety of online parent training opportunities!
District Websites