Home of the 2017, 2018 5A UIL Academic State Champions
At-Home Learning
We hope to see all of our students back on our campuses starting August 19, 2020. However, if you wish to take part in our at-home learning program, you must have medical documentation from a physician. We are offering an online learning platform called CANVAS. When you register your student, the form below will be included in the process.
Teacher Role/Responsibilities:
Create curriculum/instruction to be presented in the Canvas system
Monitor student progress weekly
Facilitate discussions addressing the content
Post office hours when available to answer questions for online students Monday-Friday
Provide guidance to students and help with understanding and applying content concepts
Encourage student’s progress
Provide tools or necessary manipulatives for students to promote learning
Using the same grading system as in person learning, grade assignments and record in Skyward
Student Role/Responsibilities:
Learn how to navigate your Canvas portal
Follow the instructional schedule on your Canvas portal
Commit to time required for Canvas instruction
Pre-K 2 to 3 hours per day
Elementary (K to 3rd Grade) 3 to 5 hours per day
Intermediate (4th - 6th grade) 4 to 6 hours per day
Secondary (7th – high school) 5 to 7 hours per day
Ask for help if you have a problem
Check your calendar and To Do list daily
Complete all assignments
Actively participate in the online courses every day
Parent Role/Responsibilities:
Commit to providing student necessary support to successfully learn through online medium
Ensure technology and adequate Wi-Fi necessary for learning are available
Get to know the learning platform (Canvas)
Set up a designated workspace which includes physical space for working and storage for materials
Develop schedule and daily routines for student learning activities
Monitor student’s participation daily
Check student’s Canvas “To Dos” and calendar to monitor progress
Provide supervision of the home instruction and learning process
Stay in communication with student’s teacher(s)
Estimated Timeline
Students who choose at home learning at the beginning of the school year,
will be eligible to return to in-person learning at the end of the second week of school if they wish.
After that time, return requests can be submitted for the end of the current grading period (6 weeks period).